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xXInsaneLoboXx is here to fill your head with all the latest...​


First thing:  big thanks to 343 for some fixes in Halo reach.  Now on to bigger and better things with Halo 4….yeah baby! 343 is stepping up to the plate and taking some hard swings to fix some big problems with the multiplayer from Reach and all that effort is certainly welcome.  If you loved Reach’s multiplayer… sorry… but if you love the Halo world yet only kind of liked Halo Reach…then this is all good news. Now for some of the improvements:

1. Class customization-This is such a welcome thing to me… no longer will I have to pray that the vote goes for slayer pro so I can start with a decent weapon!! Still…I’m not saying the DMR is my favorite thing (give me a good ol' BR) but it is better than spray and pray.

2. Revamped game modes- I don't know a lot about this yet, but 343 said that they are making changes to all the game modes so that they are faster paced yet still have the Halo feel. When more info is available it will be here.

3. Abilities-Oh this has me excited no more armor-lock YAAAAAA. Ok, on to the stuff that will be in the game; invisibility, hologram, jetpack, and forerunner sight. Invisibility: is back and we can only hope this wont be used to sit on the edge of the map with sniper rifles…but we all know it will. Hologram: I never really used this, but, I have seen it fake some people out. Jetpack: this is by far my favorite ability from Reach!! I have loved jet-packing it up since way back in a game Tribes for ps2. Forerunner sight: a new ability this has some potential. This lets you see thru walls. if it will pick up invisible people….I don't know… but it will definitely lead to some serious back jacking, so make sure you have your Spidey sense on high alert. Did you notice anything missing…..? if you didn’t…. shame…much shame on your household!  The missing link is of course the sprint ability. Don't get all bent outta shape though, it didn’t disappear…. it got better. Instead of using it up as your armor ability it is now included in all classes no matter what…sweet.

4. Weapons-Oh the glorious tools of destruction!!! Although I don't have a lot of info here yet,  I know the sniper rifle will make its return with the DMR, AR, pistol, rocket launcher, plasma pistol, and the…. wait for it…. wait for it….the  BR. oh yeah!!!  I'm sure that I’m missing some but I got the important ones. I do know that there’s a whole new race in this game and they have their own set of weapons, but no info has been released about those yet… when I find some you know I will keep you posted.

Ok…. Soooo… that’s all I got for right now like I said anything new I find out will be brought right here so stay tuned same lobo channel same lobo time.

​Halo 4....Gotta Be Better than Reach...

So I have some more info like I already said the BR and the DMR will be returning and 343 has confirmed it also said to be in is a Covenant battle rifle which will fire a storm of blue which kind of sounds like the plasma repeater but we shall see 343 has been firing really big guns to get the sounds for the new weapons and when asked how strong the grenades will be they replied they are grenades not nukes. The bubble shield will not be making a return SAD FACE lol, anyway more info about the level of customization our good Spartan warriors will have, perks which are mods like the ability to carry more grenades I can't find any more info about other mods at the moment but I will keep hunting

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