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The Rhino???...ugh...

Swinging to a roof near you....


The Amazing Spiderman is.....well......amazing...?! ?

Free roam the world in a way only Spiderman can deliver. Impressive city scapes make the movement feel fluid...and...well...right. Having said that, you can still almost get that tingly stomach feeling when plummeting towards the earth like a missle...Reminds me of Prototype...

While I'm a big Spidey fan, most of his nemisis... nemisi..??... whatever...the bad guys are laughable. Rhino is no exception. Bring on the Lizard, VeNoM, CARNAGE.....I would even settle for Shocker or Mysterio. . .hehe... |,|| shocker...bazinga!   =P


The game has a variety of suits you can unlock by taking pictures of Spiderman's emblem around the city, my favorite is probably the new Scarlet Spider (2012)  or the Future Foundation suit.


The events of the story take place after the movie so you don't have to worry about doing everything that was in the movie or spoilers. The free roam offers up a few side missions that take place throughout the city but these are very repetitive, like the car chase event, you swing to the baddies car web the window duck a shotgun blast then web the window some more and done every time thats what it is.


Does this suit make my butt look big??? honest....

​Which Spiderman is the clone?

Click on Picture to see Spidey do his swag thing...with webs....and stuff =)

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